
  • Donate,  Favorites,  Tips,  Zero Waste

    The Where to Donate Guide

    Last Updated: January 2023 We all have bits and bobs floating around the house — most are things that go unused because a. we have no need for it b. we have too many of the item c. we don’t like/use it anymore but hold on to it because we don’t want to throw our hard earned money in to the trash. While some of these items may end up in the landfill or recycling facility, most can be donated somewhere it will be given a second life. Yes — your local Goodwill or Salvation Army will take a large chunk of your donations. However, recently I’ve been working on…

  • Favorites,  Minimalism,  Random

    Finding Joy in the Little Things

    I think we can all agree that this year is shit. COVID, racial injustice, political unrest, natural disasters, deaths of beloved public figures… the list goes on. But on top of that… life still goes on. The day to day might look a bit different but the seasons still change, birthdays pass, babies are born, people die, gardens grow… While it may feel like we want to fast forward the next year, it’s still important to acknowledge the present and live through this season of life. If you and your loved ones are blessed to be healthy in this moment — focus on all the little things in life that…

  • Favorites,  Minimalism,  Random,  Tips

    The Joy of Letting Things Go

    Last week’s big news was about Meghan and Harry “stepping back” as senior royals (I was not surprised and think it’s a big hell yeah/mic drop/eff yall moment). Whatever your thoughts on this are, it’s clear that the decision to let go of something this huge was done with their mental health and future happiness in mind. This got me thinking about the great joy that can come from letting something go (whether it be a situation or physical objects). I think the words “letting go” can have a sad/negative connotation but I find so much freedom and happiness in it. my 2020 mood is ?stop doing stuff that?s not…

  • Favorites,  Minimalism,  Thrifting,  Zero Waste

    The Case For Thrifting Clothes

    When it comes to eco-friendliness and clothing, it’s frequently recommended that you buy fewer (and generally more expensive) but ethically made, high quality, and sustainable clothes. Fast fashion is a big no-no. And I’m all for it BUT sometimes it just isn’t practical for certain lifestyles (and budgets!). Enter thrifting. I work from home and have three (very hairy) dogs. 95% of what I wear is loungewear or athleisure. So my general day to day clothes get a lot of wear and tear from running around with dogs, gardening, and repeatedly wearing favorite sweatshirts and leggings. It wouldn’t matter how high quality the clothes are — nothing can stand up…

  • Favorites,  Minimalism,  Tips

    Things To Do Instead of Online Shopping

    Mindless online shopping can definitely be the enemy of anyone trying to live a more mindful, minimal lifestyle. It’s just SO EASY to purchase anything your heart desires. And let’s not even get into the dopamine surge that comes from shopping. I’ve definitely been guilty of this as well. I’ve found that the best way to curb this unnecessary spending is finding other things to do at home that doesn’t cost any money but leaves me feeling happy, fulfilled, or productive. Here are the 25 things I do instead of online shopping. What about you? Take a bath (and use up all my bath bombs!) Paint nails Do workouts or…

  • Favorites,  Minimalism,  Thrifting,  Zero Waste

    The Joy of Using Things Up

    In January 2018, I decided that I was going to go at least 3 months without buying any new clothes (the exceptions: underwear, shoes, leggings, and anything needed for bridesmaid duties). I ended up going until October and found it shockingly easy. I fell in love with thrifting, Poshmark, and shopping my own closet. This January, I decided to re-start my “no new clothes” challenge. We’re in the middle of April and, so far, so good. The challenge got me thinking — what else could I stand to stop buying this year? Like clothes, other personal and household items can accumulate. Think… candles, skincare, makeup, even food items … generally…

  • Favorites,  Recycling,  Trash,  Zero Waste

    My Zero Waste Car Kit

    First off, what is a zero waste car kit? Basically — it’s the collection of items you always have stored in your car that’ll help reduce your waste while you are out and about in the world. This includes items needed for grocery shopping, coffee buying, eating out, etc. I love having a car kit because it keeps me from forgetting anything at home and I’m always prepared for any scenario. So what’s in my kit? And how do you create your own? Gather the following: 1. A cardboard box. I use this to corral all my items together in my trunk so things don’t roll around all over the…