Eco-Friendly Work From Home Tidbits
Disclaimer: It’s a privilege to be able to work from home at this time. If you have the means, please donate to your local food pantry and support small businesses. If, unlike me,…
Link Round Up #91
Happy Earth Day-Week (although every day should be Earth Day)! Favorites from the week: “Normal” is always new. Bring the best of travel to your daily life. Some Amazon alternatives for sustainable shopping.…
Little Thoughts: [Very] Imperfect Zero Wasting
I’ve always been an “imperfect” zero/low waster. I do my best and am as mindful as possible but I don’t drive myself crazy over it. During this time, I’ve allowed myself to be…
Link Round Up #90
Favorites from the week: Life is strange right now. That’s okay. Also — it’s okay to grieve. Mush dog teams deliver supplies to elderly residents! Since we’re all wondering: how often do you…
April WFH Mood
?April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.? ? T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land
Link Round Up #89
Favorites from the week: Designing an end to the lawn. How HEB prepared for COVID. Real work from home setups. The introvert’s guide to social distancing. Work from home tips. How designers rearrange…
My Work From Home Setup
If you’re looking for work from home tips… there are a billion articles out there right now. As someone who has been on the WFH train for the past 7 years… all I…