
  • Composting,  Zero Waste

    Zero Waste Cleaning Products I Quit

    Recently, I talked about my pared down cleaning supplies. And while some of the items on there are low waste, I’ve definitely introduced some “traditional” (aka non zero waste) products to the mix. Specifically, there are a few zero waste cleaning related products that I quit (I KNOW) but you gotta do what works best for your household! First up, we had the wooden toilet brush. RIP. I found most toilet brushes (wood or not) kind of gross and dreaded cleaning the toilet. Also, it was really slow to compost in my backyard pile. On top of that, I still needed some kind of toilet bowl cleaner to use with…

  • Composting,  Link Round Up

    Link Round Up #102 + IGTV Update

    My tiny joy right now is vegetable gardening at the community garden. I’m learning so much and find the whole process a wonderfully restorative affair. In addition, over half the produce at the garden goes to the local food pantry while the rest is ours to keep and cook with. Wins all around. I’m planning on no frills recording my weekly adventures at the garden… so make sure to follow me on Instagram to watch a few minutes of gardening zen every week. We’re currently harvesting the last of the eggplants and waiting for broccoli/lettuce/carrot seedlings to sprout. *fingers crossed* We’re also in charge of the garden’s compost pile… so…

  • Composting,  Zero Waste

    Little Thoughts: [Very] Imperfect Zero Wasting

    I’ve always been an “imperfect” zero/low waster. I do my best and am as mindful as possible but I don’t drive myself crazy over it. During this time, I’ve allowed myself to be very imperfect and to be okay with it. Yes, our household is producing more waste these days. More take out containers (some can be recycled, some can be composted, and some are trash) to support local businesses. More packaged goods and packaging from delivery boxes to support social distancing efforts and to avoid going to the store as much as possible. On the other hand, with all the cooking that we’re doing, we’re composting more than ever.…

  • Composting,  Recycling,  Thrifting,  Zero Waste

    Zero Waste + Eco-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions

    Last year was a great zero waste/low waste/eco-friendly year for me. I started this blog, reduced our household trash production by A LOT, and became a Recycling Ambassador with my city. But we (I) can always do better so here are some goals/resolutions/whatever you want to call it for the coming year. And, also, comment and tell me what your green goals are for this year!  Become a Master Composter. My classes/training starts later this month! Find a facial bar soap I like. Makeup and skincare products are my “luxury items”?– and while I try to buy in glass as much as possible, and recycle everything else with TerraCycle/Origins/L’Occitane… I…

  • Composting,  Tips,  Zero Waste

    Composting with Bokashi

    I love composting with bokashi. Okay, rewind. What is bokashi anyways? Bokashi is a way of fermenting food waste (including dairy and meat, which usually isn’t composted in the traditional way) so that when the fermented food waste is thrown in to a compost pile, it breaks down much quicker. Please note, composting with bokashi doesn’t lead to actual compost, but rather, a pre-compost (i.e. fermented food waste) of sorts. I recommend this method if you have a decent amount of dairy or meat scraps and a place to take your bucket of fermented food waste to (like a backyard compost tumbler or biodigester). If this doesn’t apply to you…