Plastic Free July Tips for 2021
It’s that time again — Plastic Free July! While every day should involve doing your best to save our planet, Plastic Free July is a great time to explore even more ways to…
Wishful Recycling
Before we get into recycling, I’d first like to remind you about those two things that are even better than recycling! YES. REDUCE AND REUSE. Always do those two things first. Now that…
Link Round Up #111
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Less is Meera (@lessismeera) A house full of favorites. There’s a lot more to chai than spiced milk tea. Don’t underestimate your resilience. Make…
Link Round Up #110
The pandemic void only my girlfriends can fill. 20 one minute habits for a clutter-free home. The end of the shelfie. K-drama + K-beauty pairings. Racism against the AAPI community is a beauty…
Link Round Up #109 + Garden Update
It’s been a hell of a week down here in Texas… we were very lucky with our power (unlike my parents 2 miles away… thankfully, they were able to make it over here…
Eco-Friendly Finds: Target Edition
In the past, it’s definitely felt like being eco-friendly also meant paying a lot of money (or having to get things shipped from far off zero waste stores) to get things like bar…
Link Round Up #108 + Garden Update
Carrot harvest time! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Less is Meera (@lessismeera) Mental tools to survive the winter. A list of favorite Etsy shops. Places to donate unwanted items.…