Simple Tip: Fast Food Waste
While I would love to eat healthy, organic home cooked food every day… that’s not how life goes. I travel, I PMS, I get lazy… so yep, sometimes, I get fast food. Everything…
Link Round Up #39
Favorites from the week: Bring back the milk man. (I am super excited to see how Loop works out!) The worst plastic polluters worldwide. 30 things I’ve learned in my 30th year. (Appropriate…
Move 27 Items In Your Home
Have you heard of the Feng Shui idea that moving 27 items can change your life? I think “change your life” might be a bit of a stretch BUT moving 27 items can…
Link Round Up #38
Favorites from the week: On tidying up with a partner. A response to that viral article on millennial burnout.“Often, we move too fast, on autopilot, and as Petersen describes, life is a constant…
Winter Zero Waste Swaps
Brrrrrr… we’re in the thick of winter and it’s cold even here in Dallas. While you’re cozying up at home and getting your hygge on, here are a few things you can do…
Link Round Up #37
Favorites from the week: Is easy recycling coming to an end? Super tiny resolution ideas. 7 ways to live more green this year. Coping with seasonal affective disorder. I’m addicted to sugar. (Yep,…
Zero Waste + Eco-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions
Last year was a great zero waste/low waste/eco-friendly year for me. I started this blog, reduced our household trash production by A LOT, and became a Recycling Ambassador with my city. But we…