Eco-Friendly Finds: Target Edition
In the past, it’s definitely felt like being eco-friendly also meant paying a lot of money (or having to get things shipped from far off zero waste stores) to get things like bar…
Eco-Friendly Work From Home Tidbits
Disclaimer: It’s a privilege to be able to work from home at this time. If you have the means, please donate to your local food pantry and support small businesses. If, unlike me,…
Little Thoughts: [Very] Imperfect Zero Wasting
I’ve always been an “imperfect” zero/low waster. I do my best and am as mindful as possible but I don’t drive myself crazy over it. During this time, I’ve allowed myself to be…
Simple Tip: Save Some Water
I am sure you don’t need a primer on why saving water is important. And there are a ton of tips out there on ways to conserve water. However, I thought I’d share…