Eco-Friendly Finds: Target Edition
In the past, it’s definitely felt like being eco-friendly also meant paying a lot of money (or having to get things shipped from far off zero waste stores) to get things like bar shampoos, refillable deodorant, cleaning supplies, etc. At times, it has seemed like being eco-friendly just wasn’t for the normal person who buys most of their necessities at the local grocery store/Walmart/Target/etc. (Big Target fan here!) BUT — good news ahead. It seems like a lot of the big box stores are now carrying eco-friendly products (because, surprise, there’s a demand for it!). Sure, is some of it imperfect? Yeah. But is it still a big step up.…
Eco-Friendly Work From Home Tidbits
Disclaimer: It’s a privilege to be able to work from home at this time. If you have the means, please donate to your local food pantry and support small businesses. If, unlike me, it’s your first time working from home — you might be slowly coming to the realization that this could be the “new normal” and that you might be working from home for quite some time. This also means that it might be time to move on from working at the coffee table (at least for part of the day). If you’re looking to create a work from home space in a mindful way — here are some…
Little Thoughts: [Very] Imperfect Zero Wasting
I’ve always been an “imperfect” zero/low waster. I do my best and am as mindful as possible but I don’t drive myself crazy over it. During this time, I’ve allowed myself to be very imperfect and to be okay with it. Yes, our household is producing more waste these days. More take out containers (some can be recycled, some can be composted, and some are trash) to support local businesses. More packaged goods and packaging from delivery boxes to support social distancing efforts and to avoid going to the store as much as possible. On the other hand, with all the cooking that we’re doing, we’re composting more than ever.…
Simple Tip: Save Some Water
I am sure you don’t need a primer on why saving water is important. And there are a ton of tips out there on ways to conserve water. However, I thought I’d share a few small things I do at home to save even a tiny bit of water (beyond the usuals: do full loads of laundry and dishes, turn the taps off, fix leaks, capture rainwater). Hopefully, this will inspire you to do even one more thing in your own homes to use less water. Do all your personal care in the shower. Depending on the time of year, I shower either in the morning or right before bed.…