Fall Bucket List
“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” – Oscar Wilde
It’s officially fall here in Dallas (it actually feels downright winter like today), which is wonderful considering what a brutal summer we had. I really enjoy coming up with seasonal bucket lists — it allows me to stay present in the season we’re in and milk every ounce of joy out of the fleeting months of cooler weather. With a list handy, there really isn’t the opportunity to ever say, “I’m bored.” So here are the 20 things I’m hoping to do this lovely season.
1. Bake an apple pie from scratch (go to crust recipe)
2. Make a fall sangria (like this or this)
3. Watch Hocus Pocus (for the first time!)
4. Have a Harry Potter marathon (with homemade butterbeer?)
5. Go to the Dallas Arboretum to see the pumpkins
6. Make upside down pumpkin cake as much as possible (especially for Thanksgiving!)
7. Adopt a cool looking pumpkin from the pumpkin patch
8. Rock muted green nails (my color for the season)
9. Go on a hike and see fall leaves
10. Pass out candy on Halloween
11. Go to a football game
12. Thrift a sweater (I’m loving “confetti” sweatshirts; this is the one I snagged! but I also love this. and this.)
13. Make spiced cider in the crockpot
14. Bake Halloween candy cookies
15. Get warm donuts on a weekend morning + enjoy with hot cider
16. Go to an Ocktoberfest event
17. Take pictures of my dogs in Halloween costumes (I doubt they’d stand still for this)
18. Make up my own fall latte so I don’t have to go to Starbucks
19. Visit some place new with fall foliage (just got back from Ireland… travel guide coming soon!)
20. Do a fall clean out of household items and really ask myself if an item is necessary, useful, or beautiful? If not — out it goes.