Spring Sprucing To Dos
April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.
William Shakespeare
Ah spring. The time for fresh starts and spring cleaning. Although I try and keep up with everything year round, I like to go extra hard in the spring in preparation for the brutal Texas summers. I want everything as streamlined, minimized, and light/airy as possible. So here’s my spring to do list (and hopefully you get some ideas as well)!
- Expired or unneeded OTC medications, vitamins, and prescriptions. (You can safely dispose of these at certain Walgreens locations.)
- Extra cords and chargers. (Drop these off at your local tech recycling.)
- Unused hangers. (Donate to Goodwill or other similar store.)
- Ripped and worn out towels and blankets. (Drop these off at your local animal shelter.)
- Decor items that went unused this past holiday season. (Donate to Goodwill or other similar store.)
Clean + Reorganize
- De-pile sweaters and winter wear before storage.
- Wash winter bedding and blankets before storage.
- Clean out receipts and other trash from purses and wallets.
- Re-organize car kit and donate/give away to friends any excess reusable bags.
- Clean out the fridge/freezer of any expired or unwanted food items. (Remember to recycle any glass, plastic, or aluminum packaging.)
Fun Stuff
- Swap out throw pillowcases and blankets.
- Get low maintenance indoor plants that purify the air.
- Find a new “spring” diffuser blend.
- Move decor items around the house for a new look.
- Swap out builder grade light fixtures with cooler Craigslist finds.
Boring Stuff
- Make sure all light bulbs in the home are LED — 4 years later, we realized that we never changed the incandescent light bulbs in our closet!
- Swap out all water and air filters in the home.
- Call pest control for a treatment before summer.
- Touch up the walls and baseboards.
- Install fans in bedrooms before summer.