Link Round Up #32 (and Black Friday thoughts!)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of food, family, and football! We’re now mostly decorated for Christmas and are settling into this magical season. My Black Friday will be spent lounging with leftover pie, watching Hallmark Christmas movies, and perusing online… which means a lot of adding things to my cart and then X-ing out of the page. While I’ll pick up some Christmas presents, Keds shoes (since I wear through shoes rather quickly due to my flat feet), and skincare on sale, I tend to stay away from the madness of physical stores and try to be very mindful of the items I am buying online. I’m not going to tell you to not buy anything, especially during the time of year where gift giving happens… but… here’s your reminder to be thoughtful of the things you buy. Can you find the same items thrifted, on eBay or Poshmark, or even on Amazon’s Warehouse Deals? Is there an experience based gift this person would like more? Or an item that gets used up (food, candles, skincare) instead of stored to gather dust? Just some things to think about! Anyways… however you spend this weekend, I hope it’s a happy one! Here are some links to go through while you eat leftover pie!
Busy is not a badge of honor.?
How to winterize your skincare routine (useful for a dry skinned person like myself!).?
Nate Berkus’ home tour. (I adore his and Jeremiah’s views on parenting!).?
Brown butter rice krispie treats. Yum.