Move 27 Items In Your Home
Have you heard of the Feng Shui idea that moving 27 items can change your life? I think “change your life” might be a bit of a stretch BUT moving 27 items can get you out of a rut, make you feel less stuck, and just allow for better energy in your home. Moving can entail both getting rid of things or shifting an item’s position in your home. This is something you should do at least seasonally. I find that it allows you to evaluate the items in your home consistently and ask yourself whether you still need it/love it/want it. And sometimes moving an item can make it feel “new” in a way. Here are the items I tend to move around the house on a seasonal basis (some of these (such as laundry) are done weekly).
- Candles: recycle or reuse empty glass jars; move candles to different spots on your coffee table or kitchen counter.
- Coffee table books: restack your books or trade out books from your bookshelf to coffee table.
- Cook books: donate the ones you no longer use; reorder the ones you keep.
- Throw blankets and pillows: shake them out; run them through the dryer; move them to the opposite end of the couch.
- Photographs/Artwork: switch out the prints in your frames; move a painting to a different room.
- Baskets: move your catch call or blanket basket from one corner of the room to another.
- Benches: swap the entryway bench with the one in front the bed.
- Small plants: reorder the plants/succulents in the patio and bathroom.
- Fruit bowl: move the bowl to a different part of the kitchen.
- Lamps: swap/move floor or desk lamps to a different spot that allows for light to hit in a new way.
- Toothbrush: ditch old toothbrushes or brush heads.
- Laundry: put up any clothes that are still sitting in the basket; do a load of laundry with whatever is sitting in the hampers.
- Seasonal bedding: swap out heavy blankets for lighter ones or vice-versa depending on the season.
- Old pens/writing utensils: send old writing utensils to Pen Guy Art.
- Bags of items to donate: take those bags of unused items that you’ve collected to the donation location of your choice.
- Electronics to recycle: take old batteries and electronics to local electronics recycling center.
- Trash cans: empty these out.
- Duplicate items: add to donation bag or re-sell on eBay or Poshmark.
- Single purpose items that are never used: add to donation bag or re-sell on eBay or Poshmark.
- Pet beds and toys: shake these out; give them a wipe; move them to a different spot on the floor.
- Small electronic device like an Apple TV: wipe these down; move over a few inches or to other side of the tv.
- Tsotchkes: donate ones that don’t “spark joy”; move the rest to other spots in the house.
- Mugs: donate ones that don’t “spark joy”; rotate the rest between mug holder and cabinet.
- Coats/outerwear: rotate order in coat closet.
- Canned food: take unopened cans to local food pantry.
- Snacks: take unopened snacks to local food pantry; compost stale or expired items.
- Vases: swap locations of vases in the house.
