Top 5 Eco-Friendly Food Swaps
Last week, we talked eco-friendly kitchen swaps. And this week, we’re drilling down even further to food specific swaps! We all know that if you can find a specific item in the bulk section (grains, spices, oil/vinegar, tea/coffee, candy/chocolate, baking ingredients), you should go for that and stick it in your own containers. But here are some other food items that usually aren’t in the bulk aisle that I’ve found some alternatives for.
- The item: Yogurt in plastic container
The swap: Yogurt in glass containers
My husband goes through A LOT of yogurt. Which also means a lot of plastic cartons. I found this brand at Whole Foods and Central Market that sells their (delicious) yogurt in large glass jars. Bonus — I reuse the jars afterwards for storage. Also — if you want a single serving yogurt option — Yoplait now has cute little French style glass jars. - The item: Bags of frozen berries
The swap: Pick your own berries or buy at the farmer’s market when in season and then freeze away!
I pick enough blueberries during the summer to last an entire year for smoothie, jam, and pie making. Strawberries are a little tougher since I haven’t found a pick your own farm nearby. BUT I’ve been able to snag strawberries without any packaging at the farmer’s market (and occasionally at Central Market) to then freeze for later. - The item: Bread in a plastic bag
The swaps: Make your own bread or pick up from the bakery section in your own bag
I have a bread machine that I use to make my own bread about half the time. However, if I am looking for a specific type of bread that I don’t have the ingredients to make, I just grab a package free loaf from the bakery section at Central Market and stick it in an old pillowcase. - The item: Ice cream in a carton (these cartons are usually not recyclable unless your city specifically mentions it)
The swap: DIY ice cream
I have an old ice cream maker given to me by a friend. That + the 4 ingredients required to make vanilla ice cream allows me to have delicious, fresh, ice cream any time I want. And you can have fun creating your own flavors using the vanilla base! - The item: Vegetable broth in a carton
The swap: DIY broth
Save veggie scraps (i.e. onion, celery, bell pepper, carrot) in a container in your freezer. When full, boil + simmer the veggies in water. Bam — veggie broth. (And absolutely no waste.)What are some swaps you’ve made food wise?