Link Round Up #14
We’ve had kind of a nuts week over here as we found two 10 week old husky mix puppies (it appears that they were most likely abandoned) so our house is basically a zoo with 2 puppies, 1 senior dog, and 1 year old pupper. Let me just say… huskies are vocal. The shelter asked if we could foster the puppies for a while longer as they are very full post July 4th and they don’t want the puppies getting sick. So we’ll be taking care of them at least through next Wednesday.
ANYWAYS. Favorites from the week!
How to plan a RELAXING trip. You do not need to do every single little thing!
Tips on going green while grocery shopping.
In case you haven’t heard… it’s plastic free July!
On having a “bullshit budget”?– ours main one is getting our lawn mowed weekly.