
Free Notion Garden Template

Happy 2023! I started off the new year by organizing and prepping my Notion aka my life/home/garden organizer. This year, I decided to add a section to help plan my vegetable garden but really struggled with finding a template that worked for me. So I created my own. AND I’m sharing it with you just in case you’re looking for a starting point for your own Notion garden template.

View and duplicate the less is Meera Garden Template here.

My template has the following sections:

  • Resources: to store any links that might be helpful
  • Veggie Garden tables: to track planting dates, locations, and any additional notes (I have one for 2022 and 2023 included).
  • Seed Stash table: to track purchased seeds.
  • Garden Tasks table: to track monthly garden related tasks. I pulled the tasks that were applicable to my garden from the Dallas Garden School’s website but you can put whatever tasks work best for you and your garden zone. You can also add a column to assign the tasks to someone in your household.

And that’s it! Pretty simple and effective, right? Let me know if you use this template and if you’d like to see any more Notion templates!

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