Fall Zero Waste Swaps
It’s officially fall! My absolute favorite season of the year. Give me all the “basic” — sweaters, pumpkin spice, candles, pumpkin decor. I have no shame. But truly. I love this time of year — the anticipation of upcoming holidays (including my favorite, Thanksgiving), the camaraderie behind football, respite from 100+ degree days, quiet weekends spent baking and reading, abundance at the farmer’s market, the State Fair of Texas… the list goes on. With all that goes on this time of year, sometimes it can be difficult to remember your New Year’s resolution from January that involved producing less waste. Never fear. Here are a few small things you can keep in mind this fall season to keep your trash bins from overflowing.
Pie: I associate fall with a lot of pie baking. I know it’s easier to get the pre-made pie crust, wrapped in plastic, stuck in a box… but hear me out. Making your own pie crust is super easy, faster than you think, and very delicious. I know there are a lot of recipes out there but I use this one due to it’s simplicity.
(Related: this video about trying to make pie with zero waste.)
PSL: I love popping into coffee shops during the fall and trying out all the fun new drinks. However, as we all know, it’s best to take your own cup to avoid sending the coffee shop cups to the landfill. I recently bought this Kate Spade tumbler secondhand and LOVE it. Hot or cold drinks — the exterior stays dry and comfortable, the drinks stays the perfect temperature for hours, and it doesn’t leak.
Candles: With the amount of candles I burn this time of year, it’s a habit that can get very wasteful. The lids are seldom recyclable and the glass container needs to be completely emptied of wax before recycling. Enter the DIY candles. I LOVE making my own candles. I’ve saved old empty candle jars and constantly refill them with my own soy wax (warmed in a thrifted enamel pot) + scent concoction (bought in large quantities from CandleScience). The only waste I end up with when making candles is the large bag the wax comes sealed in (I buy a very large bag once every two years) and the recyclable bottle that the candle scent comes in (it’s best to buy a large bottle or two of a scent you love and use it up over a year or two; I use approximately 1 oz. of fragrance per large candle).
Decor: Look. I’m guilty of having 10 of those mini ceramic pumpkins from Target’s dollar section and an adorable stuffed ghost (named Boo) from HomeGoods. I’m only human. But the quality is good and I’ll be using them for years. Otherwise, for my fall decor, I use what I can find out in nature or at the farmer’s market (which I then compost at the end of the season). I’ve collected fallen branches to create a spooky entryway for Halloween, large leaves in different colors for table/wall decor, and interesting looking pumpkins from the farmer’s market for the fireplace. The best part about this decorating method is that I don’t have to store any of this stuff afterwards as it all goes in my compost bin! (And I’m free to switch up my style without feeling guilty about not using what I have.)
Sweaters and outerwear: Who doesn’t love a cozy sweater? However, over time, loved sweaters can get snagged and hole-y. But before you send it off to your local textile recycling, see if you can fix it! Darning is a technique to repair holes in different fabrics. Learn how here or here. If that’s too much or your sweater is beyond repair — head to your local thrift store. While secondhand t-shirts can sometimes feel worn out or faded, I’ve had great luck with sweaters and outerwear. Even if secondhand, they are frequently in great condition and I’ve always been able to find a cute sweater or two at my local shop for under $5.